Thursday, August 8, 2013

Home is where the Javelinas are

We left Tucson for seven weeks this year--leaving like cowards when the weather became too hot. I forgive us though, after hearing about temps that stayed above 100* for over a month! (hopefully we are beyond that possibility now) In Portland we stayed in an RV park for five weeks, enjoying cooler temps and trips to the river where Buddha could swim. I have to  admit that when we left Tucson in June I thought seriously about moving back to Portland. Mostly this was due to feeling isolated here and Jim's asthma, the causes of which we still aren't clear about. It was only two weeks before the traffic, noise and bustle of the city began to grate on my nerves. I love having wonderful grocery stores and gourmet restaurants around every corner, but my inner peace had been shattered. We left Portland on July 24th, visiting family as we headed down the California coast. And as we traveled I realized why we moved here. The traffic was clogged everywhere we went--accidents, smog, and angry drivers in a hurry.

Our first week home was a delight, with cool temps, gray skies and the threat of rain. We haven't had much of a monsoon season this year from what I've heard. I hope there's still a chance for a good storm. Although we haven't seen them, the javelinas have been coming to the compost pile every night. Around dusk two nights ago I heard Buddha barking and barking up on the hill behind the house and when I called him and went to investigate, a javelina streaked across the state land on the other side of our road. Luckily the guy didn't want to tangle with Buddha.

The hummingbirds are fighting over the two feeders. I've seen several different varieties. The Costa's:

and the Broad tailed featured below, as well as Annas and another as yet unidentified one. The trouble is the females and males can look very different as well as being different sizes! Right now there seems to be a feeding frenzy going on.

The fruit bats who came last year to partake of the sugar water have been strangely absent. I miss their nightly forays, the dark shapes flying out from under the porch roof when I turned on the lights...also the smaller insect eating bats haven't been around. 

I have yet to hear the coyotes but I remember this from last year--I assume that they are raising their young and will take them out hunting when they're old enough. It makes me smile to hear their high-pitched yips when they run with the pack the first few times. 

Once again the peace of this place has entered my heart. I'm glad to be home.

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